Tertib Laboratorium Fisika Dasar
Daftar Nama Asisten yang Bertugas
Modul Praktikum Pengantar Fisika
Jadwal Praktikum Mahasiswa
Dr. Saumi Syahreza, S.Si., M.Si
Ka. Departemen Fisika
Research interests: Include electronic, optical, and radar remote sensing and GIS to monitor and maps natural resource. Computer and software based on modeling and image processing (e.g., MATLAB, PCI Geomatica, and ENVI-IDL). Statistical analyses such as multiple regression and PCA, as well as modeling based on optical properties and ANN, are studied for information extraction of image data acquired by in-situ sensors or onboard airborne and space-borne. His goal is to develop an effective and efficient method base on the physical principle of remote sensing that can provide spatial evidence of spatial information for scientists, policymakers, and decision-makers. Such information can be used for a better understanding of environmental changes, to make better policies in the context of environmental protection, and make wiser decisions on the use of resources for sustainable human development. He had awarded an amount of funding for his research and innovation.
- 2001 – Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Computational Physics at Unsyiah
- 2005 – Master of Science in Physics Instrumentation from Institute Technology Bandung (ITB).
- 2015 – Ph.D. in Remote Sensing of Environmental Studies from the School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Dr. Mursal, S.Si., M.Si
Ka. Lab Fisika Dasar
Research Interests: Several studies have been conducted as Fabrication of tandem a-SiC solar cells: H / a-SiH by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) method, Effect of Filament Temperature on Thin Layer Characteristics of a-SiGe:H Thin Films Deposited by HWC-PECVD Technique, Catalytic Carbon Submicron Fabrication Using Home-Built Very High Frequency Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, Effect of P-Layer Thickness on Distribution Profile of Carrier on a-Si:H based Solar Cells, and The Effect of Reaction Pressure on Characteristics of a-SiGe:H Thin Films Deposited by PECVD and HWC-PECVD Technique.
- 1995 – Undergraduate Program (S.Si) was completed – Department of Physics FMIPA Unsyiah
- 1997 – Master Program (M.Si.) – Department of Physics FMIPA Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
- 2006 – Doctoral programs (Dr.) – Department of Physics FMIPA Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
Vikah Suci Novianti, S.Si
Vikah Suci Novianti, S.Si is a dedicated laboratory technician at the Basic Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Syiah Kuala. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics, she plays a key role in managing laboratory operations, supporting experimental learning for undergraduate students, and maintaining high standards of safety and efficiency. Her expertise ensures a seamless and effective environment for both education and research activities.
- 2004 – Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Computational Physics at Unsyiah
Data Statistik
Data statistik Departemen Fisika mencakup berbagai informasi kuantitatif yang digunakan untuk mendukung evaluasi dan pengembangan program akademik, penelitian, serta layanan laboratorium.
Berita Terkini
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